In our experience, patients respond better to their care if they know exactly what is going on with their health, and how Chiropractic adjustments may be able to help them. This is why we will book New Patient’s in initially for 2 appointments.


On the first appointment:

We will take the time to get to know your health history and goals, and will conduct a full assessment in order to determine exactly what is happening.


On the 2nd appointment:

(which can be as soon as the next day in some cases)

You will be given the results of the assessment, our recommendations, and we will then guide you through your first Chiropractic adjustment.


Your Chiropractor will create an individual health plan for you.

Their aim is to encourage movement in to the problem areas in your spine, which may be causing interference to your nervous system, using a series of gentle Chiropractic adjustment techniques. This will often resolve any areas of discomfort and some symptoms you may be currently feeling, or experience regularly.



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Your First Visit

Adults: £48     /     Under 18’s: £38

(Click here for more information on prices):


•    When you arrive you will be asked to complete a New Patient Form, which covers contact details, current complaint or symptoms at the moment, any previous care received, any operations or broken bones, if you have any healthcare insurance, and a symptoms survey. Should you require any assistance, a member of the front desk team will make themselves available for you.
•    Your Chiropractor will then address any information which needs further explanations, before conducting Orthopaedic, Neurological and Chiropractic tests (you will be asked to change in to a gown for this, but this is the only time you will be asked to change)
•    A thermal scan or posture photos are often taken at this point if required
•    Digital X-rays are sometimes required; either to confirm a possible diagnosis, or to rule something out. If required X-rays are charged at £180-£210 depending on area and how many images are required.


Your Second Visit

Adults: £48     /     Under 18’s: £38

(Click here for more information on prices):


•    You will be provided with an individual written report
•    Your Chiropractor will take the time to explain clearly and visually the findings from the tests and X-rays (if applicable)
•    Your Chiropractor will introduce you to how we view Chiropractic care, and the possible benefits many patients report while under care
•    An individual plan is outlined, and we will endeavor to answer any questions you may have. You decide what course of action best suits your needs and health goals
•    A series of appointments are often booked at this stage, followed by a Progress report appointment; this usually gives an opportunity to discuss the progress you have made under care, and further recommendations or suggestions are made


Further visits

Adults: £35     /     Under 18’s: £25

(Click here for prices):

At the end of your 2nd appointment, a series of appointments are often booked in line with your Chiropractor’s recommendations, followed by a Progress report appointment which usually gives you an opportunity to discuss the progress you have made under care, and where to go from here.

Getting the most from your Chiropractic care is a process. Often one Chiropractic adjustment alone will not resolve the problems you present with, especially if the cause of the problem has been left unaddressed for a number of years.

Each Chiropractic Adjustment builds on the one before, and as your spine, muscles and ligaments start getting used to the correct alignment, or correct way of moving, your adjustments will start holding for longer.

Your Chiropractor will outline a recommended schedule of care, to correct and stabilise your complaint, and will guide you along the road to recovery.