
Below is a small selection of feedback from a range of our clients:


"I was suffering from severe dizziness that made everyday activities from walking the dog to working a complete nightmare. It was like living on a cruise ship 24/7 facing rough seas.
After weeks of visiting my GP, blood tests and medication my condition didn’t improve and so I was open-minded to alternatives.

Fortunately, a friend of mine had a positive experience with a chiropractor (and the fact that Plymouth Chiropractic is a client of the company I am working for!) convinced me to give it a try and it was absolutely worth it!

After 3-4 weeks of treatment the dizziness improved by roughly 70%! I am confident that with a few more visits the problem will be solved completely.

Some positive side effects of the treatment were less headaches, less neck pain and an improved overall well being. I can recommend Plymouth Chiro to everyone from people with medical conditions to people that just want to stay fit and mobile.
- Tabea B.
"Just a quick message to say thank you for sorting out my treatment at the clinic. It's a pleasant experience and could you pass on a huge thanks to Dr Sophie Rumbelow and the staff on the desk. Great job all round!"
- James T.
"“Some eight years ago I dislocated a cuneiform bone in my foot and after being treated initially by an osteopath, was then informed that I would need a medical procedure to relocate the bone and screw it in place. I was not keen to proceed and so got used to the pain in my foot and developed a flat footed way of walking, putting pressure on my knees and hips. The bone protruded up on the top of my foot.

I have had chiropractic care for some years and Tom has manipulated my knees and offered to take a look at my foot. From the very first manipulation, the pain lessened considerably. Over the last two months Tom has increased the movement in my foot by around 50% and I am now able to walk correctly and without pain. I can now fasten my shoes over the top of my foot and can wear trainers with no pain. It is so wonderful to be pain free.

Treatment is continuing and Tom is optimistic of a totally successful outcome. Chiropractic care has changed my life for the better, enabling me to walk normally and carry out the activities I enjoy. I have no hesitation in recommending anyone to undertake chiropractic care, it is not just for the spine but for all of the body."
- Chris G.
"Let me take this opportunity to let you know that I love your clinic, the staff are always amazing and Jonathan my practitioner, always makes me feel comfortable and relaxed and I always end up having a laugh with him."
- Margie
"I was already a patient at Plymouth Chiropractic Clinic when I decided to take Thomas. He was suffering quite a lot of headaches.

Since the first appointment he has not had a single headache, he as also not needed his asthma pump which he used for a cough he had since birth.

As a family we are very grateful for the help we have received from Plymouth Chiropractic, we sing your praises constantly and will continue to recommend you to friends and family.

Thomas seems much healthier. I just wish you could make him eat his fruit and vegetables, then he would be complete!!"
- Thomas aged 8
"At the early stages of my life I have always suffered with acute catarrh, which at the age of 14 resulted in a sinus operation (drilling holes in the sinus membranes to release the build up of mucus). For a couple of years this seemed to have solved the problem. As time went on I developed severe sinus pain an facial neuralgia and although the drainage of the mucus was still effectively working, life became pretty horrid, the pain never easing up.

This is when I started countless visits to my G.P. often resulting in a regular prescription of antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays ect - diagnosis always 'sinus infections'. As the visits to my local surgery became more frequent, I was referred to an ENT consultant again and underwent scans, exploratory examinations into the nose ect, always to be told "you have had all the surgery that you can possibly receive" and that a course of the horrid drugs they prescribed for neuralgia would be the next port of call. This I also tried but to no avail. My pain continued, my self-esteem plummeted and depression started to set in.

It wasn't until my sister started working at Plymouth Chiropractic Clinic that i ever thought hat this could help me, she saw how effective and wonderful Chiropractic can be and suggested that I give it a try. It was discovered that my pelvis was out of line and that my skull was slightly twisted (possibly caused from childbirth) this all effected my sinuses and facial nerves. I may have only had 4 adjustments so far but already for the first time in many years I can honestly say my facial pain is starting to subside. With the Chiropractors patience and expertise she has certainly given me a new lease of life, and I can see that the day will come soon that I will be pain free."
- Nicola
"At the age of 5 Hugh's mother noticed that Hugh has developed a limp, which the medical professionals advised would disappear in a couple of years, this was not the case

At this time, his mother was receiving chiropractic care from Dr Bruce Whittingham at our clinic who advised that chiropractic care would help Hugh, It was found that Hugh has a twisted pelvis which was interfering with the sciatic never, however after a few adjustments his limp began to disappear and normal motion resumed.

At age 6 Hugh started ballet in his local village hall and it was soon realised he had a talent for it. He continued to receive Chiropractic care with Dr Joseph and went from strength to strength now age 11. Hugh has gained a place at the Royal School of Ballet, and is due to start in September. His mother is convinced that without chiropractic he simply would not have been able to dance, let alone to fulfil his dream."
- Hugh
"After another session with Tom Swingewood today I am compelled to send you an email indicating my complete satisfaction of the service I receive. I am in awe at the level of knowledge and implementation of treatment that Tom serves me, from finger to shoulder to neck to back and now to my knee. He fixes me each time and leaves me with not only understanding but with confidence towards my injuries and ailments. I feel that if I were seeking the help of a doctors surgery then I would be unmobile, depressed and un confident about the future whilst popping pain pills regularly. As I mention the opposite is the case due to Tom and for that I am extremely grateful. (May I point out that Sophie my initial chiropractor at your clinic who has now left was also worthy of such praise as are the warm and welcoming staff upon the reception desk also.)"
- Gavin B